10 March 2023

My family history begins . . .

The anticipated release of the 1930 U.S. census records in April 2002 spurred my interest in family history. I began to scour the internet for any information regarding my ancestors. I found my first clue on FamilySearch, the genealogical website developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). A quick search for my grandparents resulted in the discovery of a Pedigree Resource File (PRF) submitted in 1999. The file contained a collection of family groups and lineages which appeared to include my maternal grandfather. Thus began a new hobby, which has captivated me for over two decades.

16 March 2023

Website navigation tips . . .

Hover your mouse over a name found on the Ancestors or Family Lineage tab. If it turns blue, click on the name to view the individual’s personal history page. I hope to have links created for all the people listed in the coming days. My plan is to first include basic genealogical facts with source documentation and move on from there. Click on an image to see see an enlarged version. Double click on the enlarged picture to see it supersized. Right click your mouse and hold the button down to pan to a specific area.

15 May 2023

Connelly lineage updated. . .

I have completed the first round of records for my grandfather, Edgar Anthony Connelly, and his side of the family. Next, I will turn my attention to the White family lineage beginning with my maternal grandmother, Julia Veronica (White) Connelly.